At Riverside Leadership Academy, we are committed to using a rigorous, research-based curriculum across all grade levels. This curriculum will align with the North Carolina Standard Course of Study (NCSCoS) and Science of Reading (SoR), and will incorporate Project-Based Learning and Social Emotional Learning into daily lessons.
Curriculum FAQs
What curriculum will RLA use for ELA?
RLA teachers are using the NC ELA Standard Course of Study (NCSCoS) and materials aligned with the Science of Reading (SoR) to create daily reading lessons that engage students and support them in becoming efficient readers and writers. We will be utilizing Project-Based Learning lessons from PBL Works, lessons and activities from Mystery Science, and other popular sites to enhance students' learning. Reading instruction will include foundational reading skills, informational reading skills, and literature. Teachers in grades K-3 will use Michael Heggerty for phonemic awareness and Handwriting without Tears for writing instruction. Students in these grades will also receive explicit phonics instruction.
What curriculum will RLA use for Math?
RLA teachers are developing lessons that align with the NC Math Standard Course of Study (NCSCoS) and with the Project-Based Learning model, ensuring that our students are confident and fluent mathematicians, able to think critically, epplying knowledge to solve problems academically and in the real-world. These lessons will be aligned across all grade levels, and include elements that will ensure that it is accessible to students at all levels of learning.
What will RLA do to ensure vertical alignment from K-7?
RLA teachers are utilizing a common pacing guide that scaffolds standards from grades Kindergarten to 7th and include thematic units. These thematic units will be followed by all grade levels simultaneously, and many will culminate with a family night to share students' work. For example, for the first few weeks of school, all students will be learning about rules and responsibilities within a school, key components of our social-emotional curriculum, citizenship, and schools around the world.
What electives will be available for students at RLA?
RLA students in grade K-7 will participate in the following exploratory classes: Performing Arts, Visual Arts, Physical Education, and Spanish. These exploratory classes will change weekly. Our Performing Arts elective will incorporate elements of theater, music, dance, and public speaking, encouraging students to be confident and bold learners. Our Visual Arts elective will provide students with opportunities to learn essential skills in drawing, painting, sculpture, and a variety of other hands-on art projects. Our Physical Education elective will expose students to a variety of physical games and activities to teach them about physical health and wellness. Our STEM/Digital Media elective will specifically support PBL projects that students will engage in during core instruction and will introduce students to a variety of methods and digital tools, allowing them to effectively express their thoughts and learning through technology.
Additional Questions?
Contact our Instruction and School Culture Coordinator, Annie Galban, at agalban@riversideleadershipacademy.org.